Several events have been hosted previously at The Marriott Metro Center. HistoryGuide currently has 6 past event listings in its database, shown below.
Date | Event Information |
05/29/05 | Washington DC Comic-Con. Platinum, gold, silver, bronze and modern age comic books, toys, t-shirts, non-sports cards, DVD's, original art, guests include (Retail - Collectibles Show) 202-425-3362. |
05/10/09 | Mother's Day Brunch and Afternoon of Gospel. Join us for an afternoon of honoring all mothers and ladies. (Dining - Brunch) 703-680-6739. |
03/19/10 03/20/10 | NBTS Presents: Living With a Brain Tumor - A Patient and Family Conference. Join National Brain Tumor Society for an exciting conference created for patients, survivors, and their families. The day will f (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) 800-934-2873. |
07/08/10 | Psoriasis: More Than Skin Deep. Join the National Psoriasis Foundation and Lawrence Green, M.D. to learn the tools to access the treatment you need. Dr. Green, (Community - Lecture) 800-723-9166. |
06/01/17 06/02/17 06/03/17 | 2017 Marketing and Public Policy Conference. The AMA's annual Marketing and Public Policy Conference offers a broad range of sessions highlighting the intersection between m (Business - Conference) |
08/08/17 | MIT Sloan Women's Alumnae Panel: Creating Ideas Made to Matter. Stop wondering what life at MIT Sloan is like and ask the women of MIT Sloan themselves. Register here to attend a networking ev (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) 617-258-5434. |
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